Home » White Office Chair Vs. Traditional Black: Which is Right for You?

White Office Chair Vs. Traditional Black: Which is Right for You?

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Whether you’re creating an at-home office or mapping out the design of your corporate office, it’s essential to get the ambiance right. Studies have shown that our work environment significantly influences our work outcomes. So, if you want to be productive or to ensure your team is, the right layout and furnishings can make a big difference. 

While we all have different tricks to sustain focus throughout the workday, principles of color theory and minimalism can streamline workday productivity for most people. For instance, minimizing distraction is one way to facilitate a state of flow and concentration. Our environments are often a source of distraction, so fine-tuning your office by reducing distractions in your design layout may help a great deal. 

Keeping your office minimalistic by prioritizing neutral colors and selecting functional furniture can shape a focused environment. To help you get started in this process, we’ve gathered ideas on how black and white office furniture can play a part in fostering your focused workspace. For more information on implementing neutral furniture pieces like a white bookcase and how to determine if a white or black office chair is right for you, continue reading. 

Let Color Theory Influence Your Furniture Color Choices

Colors create feeling and energy. Chaotic blends of bright and cheery colors or an overabundance of muddy, dark tones can all elicit distraction. This is because when light and dark tones are not balanced, it’s difficult for the mind to feel centered. Strive to implement color theory into your office design and apply it to any furniture, accessories, i.e., (a white bookcase, a black coffee table, etc.), and equipment displayed there. 

Add Dark Objects onto A White Bookcase for More Balance

The accessories you add should be selected with balance in mind. How would a cherry cabinet make you feel? Would including a white bookcase in the corner provide a sense of stability? Do you need to incorporate light and dark tones to create duality? 

Think about the overall aura you want for your space. Get a white bookcase if you need brightness to think clearly and feel organized. If you prefer a formal business aesthetic, place darker objects on your white bookcase to balance things out. 

Buy The Office Chair that Channels Your Productive Work Mode

With the idea of minimalism and color theory in mind, consider whether a white office chair or a black office chair is right for you. Are you more productive in a dark, sophisticated chair or an inviting, breezy chair? There is no right or wrong answer; both encourage clear thinking; however, you may be drawn more to one over the other. Select the chair color that supports your productivity the best. 

The Choice is Up To You

Choosing the right color for your office chair is an individual decision. Create a balanced, concise design in your office, and then work on implementing the arrangement of colors that work for your headspace while you’re at work. The choice is up to you. 

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