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React Vs Vue: Which One To Choose In 2023?

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There are two of the most used JavaScript frontend frameworks on the market today, React and Vue. With these frameworks’ help, developers can build various web applications in JavaScript. When developing a new application, selecting between the two options can take time and effort. Each serves a different business need and has another use case.

It is widely accepted that the React vs Vue frameworks are the preferred choice of web developers. Using React or Vue.js in web development results in a quality, consistent, and performant approach. There are a variety of best scripts that Vue and React offer to meet the needs of various types of businesses.

This article aims to explore each and determine which is most appropriate for your business.

React: Overview of development approach

Regarding user experience, React.js is characterized by a high degree of concentration and simplicity. Facebook created the JavaScript library as an open-source tool to assist developers with building user interfaces. Component-based programming and declarative programming are the two hallmarks of React. This technology allows complex web applications to be developed quickly and flexibly.

ReactJs are used by developers across the globe. By choosing experienced Reactjs developers, you can build feature-rich applications. 

Examples of companies using React

  • Airbnb
  • Netflix
  • Instagram
  • Udemy.

Vue.Js: Overview of the development approach

The Vue framework allows developers to create user interfaces in JavaScript. Unlike monolithic frameworks such as Angular, Vue is designed to adapt incrementally.

Similarly to React, the core library focuses exclusively on the View layer. In contrast, Vue can be integrated with any other library or existing project without a problem.

There are three critical characteristics of Vue.js:

  • Simple to learn – all you need to do is read the guide if you are familiar with HTML, CSS, and JS.
  • It performs well due to minimal optimization, a gzipped size of 20 KB, and a virtual document object model.
  • This ecosystem is scalable and incrementally adaptable between libraries and full-featured frameworks.

Examples of companies using Vue.js

  • Behance
  • Upwork
  • Grammarly
  • GitLab

Must explore the Comparison between React and Vue

Data Binding

The data binding in Vue is two-way. It means that your model’s state is automatically updated whenever you modify any interface element. When you read about it, it may seem simple.

For a large project, it may be challenging. With React, you may get a good overview of your data and easy debugging. When the model’s state is updated, React renders the interface element in response to the changes.

Development of desktop and mobile applications

When you want to develop mobile apps that work on both Android and iOS, React Native is the ideal platform for you. Developers can begin by utilizing their existing skills. React has the most significant advantage of reusing 99% of the code between Android and iOS platforms.

React Native has a dedicated platform. Vue, however, does not. Nevertheless, this does not imply that you cannot develop native applications. Using a cross-platform UI framework or plugins, Vue developers can create Vue applications that can be compiled into native apps for both iOS and Android.


There is a significant difference in how the view layer is constructed between the two. HTML templates are the default, and JavaScript Expressions (JSX) isn’t an option. In contrast, React only uses JSX. It’s easy to use, even for beginners, since it only uses HTML.

With JavaScript Expressions, React can combine CSS and HTML. By using the XML-like syntax, you can create self-contained UI components and instructions for rendering them.


With React, developers can create React apps with third-party tools and add scripts to speed up development. Formerly, React developers were required to copy files from previous applications and re-configure everything from scratch. In addition to being time-consuming, the task was tedious, and no developer enjoyed it.

The Vue framework, on the other hand, uses a tool called the Vue CLI. By using this tool, users can create any project quickly and easily. In addition to being easy to modify, you can add plugins during the project at any time.


It is difficult to pick a winner in popularity, but based on online communities, React is the winner. The main reason is that Facebook backs it. Vue has a smaller community and fewer resources than React. Evan You, the creator, and his team maintain it.

Template and Styling

Templates and styles are essential to the UI library. Due to their different code designs, they’re also the places where React and Vue differ most. There is also a significant difference in Vue and React’s approaches.

React has a more functional approach, while Vue is more declarative. It is mixed logic and markup since these two elements are considered one unit. JSX abstraction is used to accomplish this, which abstracts React.createElement, which creates Virtual DOM entities.

The Vue framework treats styles and templates separately – a more conservative approach. Using the templates here is like using old-fashioned HTML elements.

Speed of development

Developers’ experience and skills in programming determine the outcome. Additional libraries, frameworks, and packages can speed up your application’s creation. It also allows you to lean more toward Vue.js, but the estimated times for the tasks remain the same.

No matter what website or application you build, you can use React.js. The main issue is its slow development speed. Your story begins with you selecting a JavaScript framework/library. Developers prefer React, but Vue.js is faster and offers better performance.

Development Costs

Many factors contribute to the development cost, including the developers’ experiences and superiority levels, location, etc. As with ReactjS, it is more customizable and scalable. However, Vuejs accelerates and simplifies the process.

It depends on many factors how expensive it is to build a ReactjS application, depending on its complexity, functionality, design, and distribution. Depending on the tasks a project needs to handle, both Vuejs and ReactjS have different costs for application development. Frameworks like these are better in their own way.


Frameworks each have their advantages. Due to Vue’s templates and simplified syntax, it’s more convenient and smaller. However, React is more flexible for larger and more complex applications. Moreover, it is easier to test, is better for development, and gives you more information in case of problems.

Thus, the answer depends on your plans. When choosing a tool for a particular problem, it is best to test several options. Choose the proper framework for you by working on smaller things with both. Collaborate with trusted front end development company to create highly efficient development.

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